#Reset – There’s Revelation In Restored Relationship! –

Come, and let us return unto the Lord: for He hath torn, and He will heal us; He hath smitten, and He will bind us up. After two days will He revive us: in the third day He will raise us up, and we shall live in His sight. Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the Lord: His going forth is prepared as the morning; and He shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter and former rain unto the earth. (Hosea 6:1-3)~~

We have inter-mixed true relationship with God with precepts of carnality – allowing ourselves to be manipulated by the enemy and misled, misinformed and improperly aligned according to the influences of the ways of the world. Yes we love God and know who He is and believe in Him and even believe Him, but our lives are an indication that we are still missing … something! We are off and we just know that we’re out of sync with God and that’s enough to keep the turmoil going in our lives. We are hesistant and we back away from total commitment to God because we live in our guilt and fears because we haven’t been totally committed to Him. The world has us believing that commitment to ‘self’ is the priority; that we must do certain things and live a certain way and acquire gain at any cost, even the cost of being (just a little) misaligned with God so that we can be prosperous and successful. Believe in God, go to church, pray, do good things.. but be about YOU first and all will be well. Yes, the devil is a LIAR! Because something is just … off… and deep down, we know it!

Let us now repent of not being where God wants us to be – let us seek ‘authentic’ relationship with God, not just going for form and fashion because someone told us it’s the right thing to do. Let us give God glory in true spirit, uninhibited and without hesitation. God is restoring us of the years of loss and pain, He is resuscitating in us those things that have seemingly died in our lives that have sent us down these dark paths.Through Christ He has restored the Life in us that was first intended at creation. God has reconciled the world to Himself – that we may live raised up in His presence. He promises love for us regardless of the hints of the enemy that He has left us alone.

Let us realize once and for all that it’s more than just knowing ABOUT God, but through the revelation of these truths, it’s about KNOWING God in RELATIONSHIP. It’s about what we EXPERIENCE Him doing – preserving us, keeping us, holding on to us, blessing us, nurturing and growing us in Him; changing the very course of our lives and renewing our minds and Spirits – those things that go far beyond what we could read or talk about, those motions we go through with no true connection, just an action to check off of a task list; it’s about what is DONE in us, for us and to us by His love, grace and mercy; EXPERIENCING His Joy, His Peace, His Love! God is turning us around so much so that the people who have known us all of our lives may even see us as a complete stranger because we will not be what we used to be. In Him, we always come through different than when we started out!

When we RESET and come back to Him, He sets the order on our behalf! There is revelation in the relationship! God’s revelation in relationship to us will be the refreshment of life that cleans all things, nourishes all things, quenches all things, satisfies all things. It will bring forth the harvest of His promises to us in RELATIONSHIP. You’ve been waiting and planning and thinking of how and when and why to come back to Him, getting your life in order – even reading your Word and going through the motions of it all, but there is revelation in relationship!

Rather than getting your life together to come back to God, come back to God and get your life together!

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